Bariloche and Puerto Varas

Bariloche, Argentina and Puerto Varas, Chile were the “bread” around our Patagonia/Cape Horn cruise “sandwich”. I have chosen to combine them into one post because of their similarities – after all, you wouldn’t want to have basically the same story twice. With Latitudes of 41.13 [Bariloche] and 41.31 [Puerto Varas], it is hardly surprising that in terms of temperature, flora and fauna they were practically identical. Separated by the Andes, they are both situated on the banks of large lakes…..

… surrounded by volcanoes and alpine scenery….

….and, in the case of Bariloche, kitsch.

Both have beautiful log and stone buildings…

…. and great bars and restaurants….

Taberna Nosé – Puerto Varas – the enamel mug is for the Moules broth

…… which serve enormous portions of food.

Outdoor activities are why most people come and, even in October [northern hemisphere April], snow on the mountains meant the ski centres were still operating. All levels of climbing and hiking are possible but, being older – and more decrepit – than we once were, we took advantage of the lower level, flatter walks along and around the lakes.

Both towns are also on the edge of National Parks and it is to these parks that we went for our main walks. From Bariloche we took the bus to Llau Llau which is in “Park Nacional Nahuel Huapi”……

Magnificent Scenery
“El Estanque Verde” – The Green Pond
A little side trail to “Puente Romano”

…. and from Puerto Varas our bus ride was to the village of Ensenada in the “Parque Nacional Vincente Pérez Rosales”.

We did both of the walks – fairly short – but sweet

The pumice “beach”
From the top Mirador with Volcán Osarno in the background

We recently, and unexpectedly, met two old friends, Jack and Christine, – more about that to come a few posts down the line – and Jack said that he had been keeping up with us by viewing the blog. He commented that quite a few of them had lots of wildlife photographs in them – so I guess he won’t be disappointed if he reads this one!


Although the official name is “Fox” and they resemble a fox they are not a true fox. They are closer to Wolves and Jackals.

Rufus Tailed Hawk

Magallenic Wood pecker

Thorn Tailed Rayadito

Chimango Caracara

As usual we visited museums in both places. Unfortunately, photographs were not allowed in the “Museo de la Patagonia”, Bariloche but there was no problem in the outdoor abandoned railway “museum” in Puerto Varas….

Mid C19 Steam Locomotive – used in forestry, logging and sawmills

…. or the crazy “Museo Pablo Fierro” – also in Puerto Varas and which we did as part of our short lakeside walk…..

Thats not a dummy figure – its the man himself – Pablo Fierro

…before passing this sunken ship …

… and returning to the town and craft market.

Lakeside in Bariloche – to the Cerveceria above – took us past this quaint “garden centre”…..

…. and the marina.

Because we were catching an overnight bus, we had another full day to fill in Puerto Varas so, once again, we caught a bus – this time down the lake to the town of Llanquichue and its famous railway bridge!

About as exciting as the one in my last post at San Antonio de Areco, Argentina

All I can really say for Llanquihue is that there were lots of statues…..

…. which weren’t dissimilar to one in Puerto Varas itself…

… or to those in Bariloche.

So, there you have it. Possibly my shortest blog yet – in terms of words. You might therefore think that we found Bariloche and Puerto Varas rather boring. Quite the contrary. They were a contrast to the bigger cities, allowed us to relax and enjoy the scenery and filled our days very nicely.

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    • Jack on November 1, 2024 at 8:20 am
    • Reply

    Oh joy, more pics of tropical birds!

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